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Diocesan Youth Council

“It’s authenticity that young people expect.
They can detect authenticity and they want to be in relationships and so what Pope Francis really points us to is to meet people where they are and to accompany them on their journey. And if people think that by standing here and saying, “come on, I’m here, come on over, this is where I’m at, come here,” then you don’t have that one on one. So you kind of have to go, and it does take a little more work because one-on-one takes time to build relationships, but you say: “I want to walk with you and I want you to know the love of Jesus the way I’ve come to know it.” Young people have to know that you mean what you say, and if I say which I believe that my life is going to be for Jesus Christ and that his love for me is my guiding principle and the source of my ultimate joy, they will want to know “why?””
Bishop Robert J. McClory
The Diocese of Gary Office for Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization supports and strengthens those who accompany young Catholics as they encounter and follow Jesus Christ.
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Office of Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization
Leading as Jesus does by being…
Joyfully Creative in everything we do and every interaction we have
Humble Servants for Christ, the diocese, our parishes, and each other
Good Stewards with our time, talent and treasure
Fostering Empathetic Relationships with each other, our parish leaders, and everyone we serve