Each year former “TAPTsters” are invited to return to the program to serve in a leadership role as peer ministers or as members of the O.A.T.S. (Our Auxiliary TAPT Staff) team (“OATieS”). These roles are open to current high schoolers who have previously attended TAPT, and who have completed the application process.
Because we have a number of teens who express interest in serving the TAPT retreat in a leadership capacity, we have established an application process in order to more fairly determine peer ministers and OATieS.
Each teen wishing to serve in a leadership capacity for TAPT must complete an application. This application asks you about your leadership skills. You are asked to detail any leadership you have previously demonstrated in school, parish, etc. Previous team members may apply again, and if you were not selected in a previous year, you are also encouraged to apply again.
Peer Minister/OATie Application
Adult Leader Application
The dates below are the necessary TAPT formation/training dates. Training and team building is essential to lead a TAPT retreat. Therefore, Peer Ministers and OATS team members must attend all three formation meetings. By submitting this application you are making a commitment to attend all three of these sessions (and the entire TAPT weekend):
Sun., March 13: Team formation Mtg. #1 (1-5pm)
Sun., March 20: Team formation Mtg. #2 (6-7pm, Virtual)
Sun., March 27: Team formation Mtg. #3 (1-5pm)
Friday-Sun, April 1-3: TAPT weekend (appr. 5:30pm Fri. – 4:00pm Sunday), Camp Lawrence, rural Valparaiso
An evaluation meeting will follow TAPT, and a date for that will be determined during the formation process. Team members will pay the same retreat fee as participants ($90), which includes a souvenir team shirt.
You may assist us by getting word out about this application to any fellow TAPTsters that may be interested. You must currently be attending high school and have already participated in a TAPT to serve as a peer minister or an OATie.
Your cooperation is needed to ensure a timely and fair team selection process. The deadline for team applications is Wednesday, February 16, 2022. While we will accept applications after the deadline and up until the team selection date (not published), note that applications received on or before the Feb. deadline date are given priority over applications received late.
As TAPT approaches, even if you choose not to apply, I ask that you pray for a fruitful retreat, and that the hearts and minds of this year’s TAPTsters will be readied to hear the Word of God.
Peace and all goodness,
Tapt Retreat Board
Jamie Sandona, Chair
Chad Franks
Donna Frazier
Mark Medina
Vicky Hathaway
Ministry Consultant for Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Diocese of Gary Office for Youth & Young Adults