DYC Meeting 12/15/2019
Present: Baumeister, Corey, Cummins, Driscoll, Klinczyk, Kolosci, Krueppel, Long, Lukas, Lundquist, Mercier, Ramirez, Sieracki, Velazquez, Perez, Hathaway
Opening Prayer
TAPT Invitation by Chad Franks- www.garyoyya.org/tapt/teamapplications
Introductions / Ministry Reports
Homework Review
-How has your listening changed?
-Many people noted that they started to recognize when they were not listening well or thinking of a response before the other person was done talking.
Fishbowl Game
-“it became easier to describe what we were saying after we did it a few times.”
Shine Your Light—Share Your Story Discussion
-handout found on www.garyoyya.org/dyc
White Elephant
Closing Prayer
Opening Prayer for February Meeting: Wiszowaty and Houpt
Closing Prayer for February Meeting: Klimczyk