Open to all Diocese of Gary Youth NCYC Participants
Each Diocese of Gary NCYC participant will receive t-shirt and we want you to design it! One NCYC teen’s design will be chosen for the “official” Diocese of Gary NCYC shirt. The winning teen will receive $100 off their hotel costs.
- Design due to Diocese of Gary Office for Youth & Young Adults on or before July, 1st, 2025.
- Design should suggest a t-shirt color.
- Design should not require more than 2 colors in the design itself (different colors than the t-shirt color)
- Design will be placed on the front of the t-shirt only (no back design).
- Design must include “Diocese of Gary” logo.
- Preferred font is Gotham
- You do not have to include the theme, but if you wanted to, the 2025 theme is: NCYC: “I AM | YO SOY”
- If you would like to include the official NCYC logo, please check with Vicky first. There are rules we need to follow to use their logo.
- NCYC group leaders will help discern the winner and the final design might require revision from the Diocese of Gary Communication Office.
- Find diocesan graphics below.
Artists, please submit your designs to Vicky Hathaway in the Office for Missionary Discipleship and Evangelization at [email protected]. You can also mail or drop off submissions at the Diocese of Gary Pastoral Center, 9292 Broadway, Merrillville, IN 46410.
Please include your name, grade, email, parent’s email, and parish or school you will be attending NCYC with in your submission.